IoE Professional Profiles and Training Courses

During the last few decades, due to the increased mobility of both professionals and students, there has been a rising need to ensure transparency and comparability regarding the qualifications obtained in countries of the European Union. As a result, there has been a focus on the alignment of these professional qualifications through various tools, which evidently led to their recognition in Europe-wide scale. These tools are in essence reference frameworks, such as the European Qualification Framework (EQF), which can then be divided into “sub-frameworks” which are more specific and refer to particular sectors, e.g. the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) enhances mobility and recognition of acquired knowledge and skills in VET settings, while the European e-Competence Framework (e-CF), which is being presented in the present analysis, refers specifically to qualifications in the ICT sector.
The IoE-EQ project has adopted the e-CF 3.0 framework to design four professional qualifications related to the energy sector and the corresponding training courses. The qualifications addresses different fields of application and define professions in terms of missions, tasks, KPIs and e-competences. Such qualifications want to be useful tool to recognize, inside an European framework, the competences and skills acquired by the trainees thanks to the VET courses.

Profile 1
IoE Manager
Profile 2
IoE Expert for
Smart Cities
Profile 3
IoE Expert for
Smart metering systems
Profile 4
IoE Expert for
Renewable Energies